Saturday, April 21, 2007


Heave ho, and here we go!!

After months and years and eons of contemplating on "to write or not to write", I finally decided on the former. Incidentally, this binary contemplation gave me a slight idea on the extent of the dilemma Mr Bard was in once upon a time, but that apart...

First things first. Kudos to Ruta to get me spilling the words out. Relax, let it flow, she said. And let it flow I did, and worked, it did!!

Now the next question is, what the hell should i write about? Miss Ruta left me groping in the dark there, didn't she? Goodness, too many people are telling me to figure out too many things on my own...

Ok now enough randomness for the time-being. I almost started a blog about 6 months ago, but left it halfway. Why? Fear. The fear of failure, and that's the precise thing i need to get over. The last two months have changed me to no ends, and now, fear is on the downhill road into the valley of death. Let's hope i decide to put pen to paper... Er... I mean, put fingers to keyboard more often and randomize myself into the sort of a trance associated with LSD.


Weed said...

welcome to blogworld my dearest brother... i had no idea you liked to write... good thing you started ...

insanerambler said...

glad i did!

Unknown said...

Fear is Good ... it sharpens you to a fine point.

Shreyas said...

yo JD nice to see ur blog.. u write amazing... totally impressed,... read all ur blogs at one go... am super impressed.. thot i wud say congrats to the very place it started... hv fun keep bloggin