Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flip Phone

I have an insane urge of stepping on something and breaking it. Very specifically, a flip-phone. I'm certainly not doing it to mine, mostly because it belongs to Abha and she'd kill me.

Butt I almost sat on it a while back, and I just wondered about the crack, about the sound it'll pass. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. As stupid ass it seems, I just had to post it.


Rover said...

Write a bigger post futtrucker!!

Nayantara said...

You're so pissed, you're gonna flip?



Nayantara said...
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Nayantara said...

Rover beat me to it. By seconds. grrrr

Prashant Nagpal said...

The sound it'll pass was a little too,well, lame, but otherwise it was, well...

weevil girl said...

kill it. NAO.

Nikita said...

u're jus too darn STUCK up on "I only use Nokia Candybar type phones!"
There is something called adaptability and you LACK it..
Its a normal phone with normal keys.. so WHAT if the spacebar is on the # key and not the 0 key! big FRICK!
u're jus cranky :|
is it ur time of the month? :|

Nikita said...

too mean? :|
thowee :(

i wonder if it is my time of the month :|

Prashant Nagpal said...

did she just wonder that it's her time of the month?

Prashant Nagpal said...

Oh, A Posteriori: Never post such decadent statements again :|